Rocky Run MB is a 12.4-acre wetland and stream mitigation project located in East Finley Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania within the Upper Ohio-Wheeling Basin (HUC 05030106, PA State Watershed Plan subbasin 20S). The bank was approved by the USACE Pittsburgh District in February 2022 and PADEP in December 2022. Wetland and stream credits are now available to offset unavoidable impacts to Waters of the United States (WOTUS) and Waters of the Commonwealth authorized under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and Title 25, Chapter 105 of the Pennsylvania Code.
The bank is approved for a potential of 8,609.20 stream credits and 3.38 wetland credits through the re-establishment, expansion, restoration, and enhancement of on-site streams, riparian wetlands, and forest. Our floodplain restoration will improve and protect water quality and diverse aquatic resource habitats. The bank’s primary service area includes PA 20S and its secondary service area includes PA 18, 19, 20N.
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