Dieckbrader Mitigation Bank, located on 30 acres in Brown County, OH, within the Little Miami Watershed (HUC 05090202). Dieckbrader Mitigation Bank was approved by the USACE Huntington District in December 2022 and currently has forested wetland and stream credits available to offset unavoidable impacts to Waters of the United States authorized under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.
The bank is approved for a potential 26,847.61 stream and 2.57 forested wetland credits through the removal of the 19-acre existing dam, allowing for the re-establishment, re-habilitation, and enhancement of on-site streams and wetlands. Restoration will return the degraded streams to stable systems and will improve and protect water quality and aquatic resource habitats within the Little Miami Watershed. Dieckbrader Mitigation Bank is authorized to offset impacts located within portions of Adams, Brown, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Delaware, Greene, Hamilton, Highland, and Warren Counties.
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