Faith Farms Mitigation Bank is located on 40 acres in Gilead Township, Morrow County, Ohio within the Upper Scioto Watershed (HUC 05060001). The bank was approved by the USACE Huntington District in July 2023 to provide stream and wetland mitigation credits to compensate for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States authorized under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.
Faith Farms Mitigation Bank will enhance aquatic resources within the Upper Scioto watershed for the purpose of improving the chemical, physical, and biological integrity. The mitigation plan includes the restoration of 5,613.91 linear feet of stream channel and riparian area along with the re-establishment 20.77 acres of wetlands and associated upland buffers. Faith Farm Mitigation Bank is anticipated to generate 12,123.74 stream credits, 20.47 forested wetland credits, and 0.3 non-forested wetland credits to offset impacts within portions of Crawford, Delaware, Franklin, Marion, Morrow, Pickaway, and Union Counties.
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